
Monday, October 25, 2010

Charles Hamilton is fed up.

like I was previously, I'm calming
but Chuck seems to be boiling.
here's a tid bit from his blog
where he addresses the lack of lyrical interest by listeners
and he takes jabs at Eminem

No one listens to lyrics anymore, no one writes anything substantial, I can chew Eminem in any kind of lyrical anything, my talent overrides my confidence... basically, I don't give a fuck if the game needs me. Fuck what the game needs. God/Em, take my fucking life already, since you are the number one MC in the game. I am better than Em and it bothers all.

Or maybe I'm so underrated and over/underpaid, none of what I say/says matters.

Charles Hamilton's Lword3 vent.

I sound like I'm giving up. I'm not. I'm not giving a fuck. 6 days. Oh the wonders of the number 6. 6 days and my project to save All Hallow's Eve from infinite misunderstanding and love theivery will be released. Will you even care? Why even mention some of you bitches in the tracklisting? Why? Because I fucking love all of y'all, and should I get millions again, I'll see more of y'all. And it makes me feel wonderful inside. I don't speak to anyone. I feel terrible yo. I asked Simone to come out here, knowing she's Kurt, and then couldn't move to go get her when she was downstairs. We have nothing to talk about. I didn't do it intentionally. I was watching a record being recorded. Tomorrow is free.... I hope she's safe.
Y'all really don't know what's going on up here (taps painfilled head). Guess it doesn't matter, until I drop another Pink Lavalamp.
All y'all need right? A self-righteous, self-loathing album full of soul samples where I set trends and make phrases used by your favorite artists today... right? The pain I'm trying to escape FROM is what y'all want me to escape TO. So fine. I got your "Pink Lavalamp 2" and so on and so forth. Watch. You're gonna LOVE it.
Rayne I owe you one. Tesha chill. And of course, should Eminem ever challenege me to a one-on-one fight because of my mouth, I'll either back down or lose in the fight.
And be further riduculed by U/you/you all/ME/I.
So fuck it.

i understand charles, and things can get frustrating
his pink lava lamp project is one of the most personal products
to be released in hip hop lately.

sometimes, we may never know when the Love will be acknowledged

L Word 3 this halloween.